If Mary were living in the 21st century, the only plausible thing she'd get away with claiming is immaculate infection.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
JoinedPosts by Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
So, is God a rapist!?
by stuckinarut2 inok, i apologise in advance if this seems irreverent to those who believe in god.. but, the bible says that god (jehovah) impregnated mary.
without her consent.
so that would seem to be rape...right?.
JWs don’t break up families
by Jules Saturn ini get very angry when i hear this claim being made by jws and get even angrier when i read the article they have on their faq section on jw.org which i’ll leave a link here:.
i know that the majority of this article is written about having a spouse that isn’t a believer and how the bible encourages them to stay together but that’s one of the things that can cause division in a family, for an example if a son or daughter marry a nonbeliever or a worldly person the parents aren’t going to attend the wedding.. once i was told by an elder that if i continued with my behavior of wanting to seek worldly friends and worldly companionship that i would have to leave my home because the holy spirit would leave my house and that would have a huge impact on my family.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
The worst part is, Jules, they'll say it is YOU who is breaking the family apart. Classic abusive spouse approach: "You were the one who made me punch you! YOU were the one who did this to me!" Just keep reminding yourself that this logic holds no place in the real world, and try not to let it hurt your perception of yourself as a "bad" son/brother. As heavy and legitimate their insults may seem at the time, remind yourself that there's as much credibility to it as a murder who shot a person in the face claiming their victim "leaned into the bullet and got themSELVES shot."
Watch this video when you get 15 minutes:
Why "fancy dress" and "theme weddings" were BANNED by our Congregation!
by Witness 007 inour kingdom hall was in a boring town of 30,000 people so to spice things up me and some special pioneers living with us decided to have a fancy dress up party!
what could go wrong?
nice clean fun, and no booze (oh crap!).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@lancegalahadx Lmfao. I was a loose cannon just getting primed to launch back then. These days, I'm a brunette who keeps her Playboys in the hard-to-reach cabinets from her toddler. #girlgonemild
Why "fancy dress" and "theme weddings" were BANNED by our Congregation!
by Witness 007 inour kingdom hall was in a boring town of 30,000 people so to spice things up me and some special pioneers living with us decided to have a fancy dress up party!
what could go wrong?
nice clean fun, and no booze (oh crap!).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I once crashed a Witness fancy dress party when I became inactive back in '09. Nobody there seemed to mind at the time...
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Antique Roadshow worthy.
Biblical gems
by venus inthough the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:.
1) “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the law of retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated.
original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (mathew 5:38-42).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Thanks @menrov.
@venus Thanks so much for taking the time out to put that together for me. I can see the point you're putting across. It's just hard to take off the exegesis glasses WT has firmly welded to my vision and unlearn many of the interpretations of the scriptures I'd been indoctrinated with. I always understood that imperfection on its own, in a biblical sense, is tantamount to being sinful, and that "perfection" is to be sinless - something all Christians strive for in the afterlife (be it paradise earth or a heavenly calling).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Shunning: Extreme apathy!
by StephaneLaliberte ini thought i'd share this one with the group.
many years ago, my mom was disfellowshipped.
then, my sister passed away in a car accident, she was fairly young, as she was in her early 20s.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Oh wow. There's a sister in my congregation who flew overseas to see her dying JW mother. This sister has a few siblings - two of whom were disfellowshipped over 20 years ago. Naturally, these long-disfellowshipped siblings were there to care for their dying mother also. This sister was completely okay to unite with her disfellowshipped brother and sister to help their mother on her death bed. HOWEVER, there was ONE sibling who is an active JW who REFUSED to even enter the house while her disfellowshipped brother and sister where there caring for their mom. She made a point of even telling the mother as she was dying, "you will NOT be in paradise for using your death as an excuse to associate with your disfellowshipped children. You are DISLOYAL to Jehovah." This self-righteous JW abandoned her mother on her deathbed because she said she was being "loyal to Jehovah."
The sister from my cong was so horrified and even tried to reason with her own sister that Jesus instructed Christian children to care for their parents of old age and not to abandon their responsibilities. She tried to appeal to her JW sister that her siblings had been disfellowshipped for sins they were no longer committing, and over TWO DECADES ago. Certainly, the demise of their mother was worthy of at least having communication with them now? Her sister would have none of it and rebuked her dying mother with disgust. Also, NO Witnesses from the mother's congregation would visit the mother because they all heard that the disfellowshipped son and daughter were visiting. The mother died alone, without all her lifelong friends from her congregation and with one of her daughters missing. Only the two disfellowshipped siblings and the sister from my cong had enough humanity in them to overlook rigid policies during this tragedy.
After the mother passed away, the sister from my cong received a visit from two elders - not to console her for her loss - but to COUNSEL HER for breaking "Jehovah's command" and associating with her disfellowshipped siblings after twenty years.
You'd THINK this was the wake up call this sister needed. Sadly, it wasn't. She was "humbled" and eternally sorry to Jehovah, hopping her can overlook her "weakness" (read: natural affection). I was still attending meetings back when this had happened, but was on my way to being fully awake. I tried so hard to point out that her mother's demise was SULLIED by the WT. That her mother's last moments were tarished by the harshness of these cold, inhumane policies. And this poor sister just told me, "it's okay, because this life isn't really all there is. My mom is coming back in the paradise, and she won't even remember this. Neither will I! I just need to lean on Jehovah and he'll give me the strength to put this behind me."
The very notion of dismissing reality as "not real" and putting all your eggs in a basket you can only access after you die is astonishing. This "leave it to Jehovah" attitude is in no way humble or virtuous.
It's reckless.
Biblical gems
by venus inthough the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:.
1) “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the law of retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated.
original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (mathew 5:38-42).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@venus "no one is a sinner by birth" - is that true? What about Psalm 51:5? Appreciate any insights on this, thank you!
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
@stuckinarut2 Remember - if it doesn't hurt, it can't be good. Good feelings come from Satan. Pain, persecution and discomfort are the markings of a TRUE Christian.
Remember that pioneer couple in the bunker who proved their loyalty after realizing that, despite putting in 70 hours a month EACH in service, they were still living....[dramatic pause]:
"...a comfortable life."
Cue image of Lloyd slapping himself with sandals and chanting, "MUST. NOT. BE. COMFORTABLE!"